Echelon FFEIC

Unravel regulatory mandates and mitigate risk.

Make sense of technology and Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council FFIEC compliance in an efficient and effective way, adding value and satisfying examiners and corporate directors.

Right-sized Strategies for FFIEC Compliance

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) and its interagency guidance and best practices were built to apply to a wide range of financial services organizations. Whether you answer to the various state and federal agencies such as the FRB, OCC, FDIC, OCC, NCUA or CFPB, there is no shortage of regulatory mandates and compliance.

The key to success is to adequately apply the right amount of detailed assurance and analysis to properly mitigate the risk. From global institutions to community banks, we have experience with all state and federal agencies and understand the concept of applying a right-sized approach to risk mitigation strategies for financial institutions.

Build and Maintain Cybersecurity Programs

Through our comprehensive suite of risk management, IT audit and cybersecurity services, we help our financial services clients build and maintain technology risk programs that go beyond compliance and FFIEC mandated best practices, and help you achieve a higher state of risk mitigation and assurance.

IT Audit

Information technology audit is an essential part of risk management at financial institutions. We help our clients by performing IT audit procedures on the behalf of corporate directors and the board. We perform these responsibilities in a variety of ways, including through IT audit outsourcing, co-sourcing or special projects. We will work with you to develop an FFIEC approved IT audit program and approach that assess your organization’s IT risk posture on a regular basis.


We offer a suite of services that financial services organizations need to not only stay compliant, but to stay ahead of the curve in cybersecurity. We can help you assess your overall risk and compliance on a regular basis from an FFIEC best practices standpoint through usage of assessment tools and resources like the FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment Tool (CAT) or the FFIEC Cybersecurity Handbook. In addition, with our technical team’s expertise, we can leverage technical tools and tests to perform deeper evaluations that go beyond traditional audit and risk management. Our team can also perform FFIEC approved penetration tests, vulnerability assessments and social engineering exercises.

FFIEC Third-Party Risk Management

As financial services organizations increasingly rely on third-party services and software, the amount of risk management attention to these relationships must increase. We have specialized experience in FFIEC third party risk management consulting that can help your organization get a handle on its third-party risk exposure at various levels through the organization. We can also help you execute your third-party risk management program at every level.

Business Continuity Management

Business resilience in the face of an evolving and ever-changing world is critical in financial services organizations. We offer enterprise-wide, process-oriented services that help our financial services clients build and maintain their business continuity management capabilities.

Cyber-Incident Response Planning

Similar to business continuity management, but with a focus on cybersecurity related events, we assist our financial services clients with preparing for cybersecurity incidents. We will help our clients assess their current state of incident response readiness, review and build incident response plans and perform tabletop and other cyber incident exercises.

Are you ready to get started?